Go to https://buyraycon.com/designdoc for 15% off your order! Brought to you by Raycon. Speedrunning is a beautiful game living within every game. I love it. But not every game is equally speedrun friendly. Getting into high-end speedrunning is daunting. It's a time sink and can be extremely frustrating if a few design decisions go the wrong way. You can design a game to be more speedrun friendly, though, and to more of your game's players than you might think. Let's talk about how you can design a game to give the thrill of The Run to everyone! Featuring: Neon White go play it now Celeste Demon Turf Stuntman Elden Ring Fire Emblem Goldeneye Support Design Doc on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/designdoc Design Doc on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Warbot400 #neonwhite #gamedesign #celeste